Sunday, March 31, 2013


Today I am grateful for bunny love memories!  Rabbits were a fun part of my boy's younger years.  First there was "Rabbit" pictured above.  He now lives on this twig chair I made during my "twig period".  But for several years he was the well loved night-night bunny who also traveled with use everywhere.  He sports a crocheted jacket and hat by me.  The hat yarn was kool-aid dyed by my boy!

Then "The Mavises" were added to the herd.  This trio of cottontails are named Mavis, Mavis, and Mavis.  So along with Rabbit the 3 Mavises were travelling and bed companions.  The car seat got pretty crowded!

When wheels became the all the rage I made this little cony on casters...during my "scroll saw period".  The Runaway Bunny  by Margaret Wise Brown was a big favorite.  A well worn board book...and the boyo is getting ready to run now (as he should....sigh)

"If you become a little boy and run into a house," said the mother bunny, "I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you."

"Shucks," said the bunny, "I might just as well stay where I am and be your bunny." 

And so he did,
"Have a carrot," said the mother bunny.

Finally, there was the real rabbit phase.  Meet my young son with our first Angora, Twitcher.  A couple years after Twitcher the boy went on to other things.  I continued an "Angora Period" for 8 years that included Twitcher, Pippin, & Merry...gone now... I still have some fiber to spin!  Of course, if you follow this blog, you know my Easter critter of choice is now the Duck.  But rabbits have bundles of blissful  recollection for me.

For more nostalgic Bunny images check out this blog...It features a vintage rabbit I am selling at  (today is the last day for 20% in the treasure shop INJOY20 coupon code at checkout for the savings!)


It is my intention, each Sunday, to share something that fills me with Gratitude. 
I write ~~~Gratitude~~~ with the wavy lines to represent the gratitude ENERGY~~~~~! 
I hope you will join me and share your gratitude moments. 
~~~Amen, Blessed Be, Namaste'~~~

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Every Kind of Kindness Counts

“Don’t let your luggage define your travels, each life unravels differently.”

{ Shane Koyczan }

I saw something today that inspired me to write this post.


This post came to me today because earlier this week our community was rocked by the news that a 6th grader at my son's school committed suicide.  We are a spread out rural community.  My son's school is a pre-k through 12 campus.  This child that died was in what is called middle school.  Here I am at "middle" age (I am in my mid 50's) feeling in the middle of sadness.  Sadness for all of those affected in any way by this loss.  Especially, sad for this child who will not have the chance to heal.

Like so many, I have a story.  Like so many, I have pain.  As a Reiki practitioner I am acutely aware of many pains.  I honor "the wound is the place where the Light enters you" ~ Rumi  I am still travelling my healing path.  I was bullied/abused both at school and at home. I was the weird girl in the suburbs of the 1960's who's mom had run off with another man.  This happened when I was 7.  I spent a good part of junior high with gum in my hair.  I avoided the cafeteria where my separateness was accentuated. Going home there was no relief.  Even with the bullying I preferred school to home.  I too considered leaving this life but, some moments kept me here.  

There were moments in my life that I still remember that got me though.  Moments of understanding and love from apparent strangers.  In the 2nd grade the year my mother left my teacher took ill as well.  There was a string of substitute teachers.  Once we were drawing houses.  I didn't draw my house on the "line", it was small and set back on the page.  The other kids began to tease me that I was drawing my house in the sky and how stupid I was. But this substitute teacher piped up and said no that I (she said my name) was drawing with perspective. She went on to explain what that was.  For that moment I felt seen.  Every now and then, when I seemed to need it most some stranger, teacher, someone that had no reason to care about me would reach out with a small kindness.   I collected these moments and kept them like treasurers.  I was lucky to be an introvert that could enjoy my own company.  I was lucky that I could realize these moments as hope.

I have tried in my life to pay it forward with random acts of niceness.  Even when I have been on the phone with 3 different folks from the Asian Sub-Continent about cell phone issues I remain nice!  Who knows what pain that person on the other side of the phone carries.  A few years back I worked as a substitute teacher at my son's school.  Once while I was on recess duty a 6th grade girl left the basketball court and slumped to the side of the playground.  I went over to see what was up. She told me the others didn't want her to play because she was weird (she wore all black).  I told her how when I was picked last for baseball I always kept a book in my pocket so I could go out to right field and read.  I wouldn't come in when the teams switched...even the teachers didn't care that I stayed out there.  I said look at me~~~I AM happy! I told her this would pass and it felt big now but it was just a small speck in her life.  She told me that is just what her mom said.  So I said well now I know you are well supported at home.  I told her she was wonderful and to be just who ever she was...I said it with grandeur and drama and pinch of goofiness!  She jumped up and said, "Thanks! Ms D"  She jumped right back into that game stealing the ball and made a basket! I gave her two thumbs up.  I would see her from time to time in the halls of Jr and Sr High.  She was as "goth" as our conservative school would allow and with friends.  She would always make eye contact with me and give me a slight smile and occasionally a secret little thumbs up.  

Folks say you never know how you might affect someone.  I say you are always affecting someone and every little bit can make a difference.  My life was saved by small moments of kindness.

This post is soul mending for me.  I am grateful for the time you have taken to read .  Now let us pray for all the lost children.  Amen, Namaste, Blessed-BE.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Still Life with Pussy Willow

Good Bye Forsythia 

Hello Pussy Willow

For many Spring is a time of joy and relief.  For me this is the season I struggle with the most.  The world is a bit muddled and so goes my mind and energy.  I have trouble focusing and shifting with spring transition.  The transformation from winter to spring in Maine is usually a slow journey.  I find spring hard to define. It is so fluctuating then suddenly it is summer or the summer never gets going.... It took me ten years of living here before I could began to enjoy Maine springs.  In the PNW, where I grew up, I would plant peas in February!  I can't even imagine that after 30 years here.  

Some days I am chomping at the bit to get outside and work the land but, the conditions don't allow much work.  Mostly I just want to sit in the spring (I don't..but it is what I desire)  The world can't seem to is it not...I have trouble deciding too.

Today was most likely my last snow shoe (unless we get another snow storm).  The field conditions were not too good.  Most of the woods would have been difficult without the snowshoes...except where the springs are bubbling up.  So the road and leash until further notice.  No more woods wandering for a while.  So instead you get my ramblings!

winter winds bring
a pussy willow still life
vacillating hush

Japanese Fantail Pussy Willow

Monday, March 25, 2013

Orion Horizion

Sunday evening my home was not quiet.  The boyo decided to watch basketball (real March Madness for me...I am not a fan).   DH was in bed with a small screen devise (he is thinking of getting a biscuit joiner... so many youtubes and much research is needed ...whatever he decides is fine with me).  Our small open floor plan house was buzzing.  I couldn't settle on any tasks and the commotion was beginning to bug me... I was restless.  I decided to slip outside leaving Runa behind.  The night was bright with a 3/4 moon.  I stepped into my snow shoes and headed out into the dark leaving my flash light behind.

I have to admit that at first I was a bit peeved about being alone.  But the beauty of the night soon dissipated all my irritation.  Through out my life my most memorable times with nature have been those I have spent alone.  In solitude I can be quiet.  No distractions due to conversation.  I am able to let go and feel the aliveness that surrounds me.  This night in nature became a veil of peace the enveloped me.

I came through the woods and out into the field.  
I headed for a sitting rock we have by our pet cemetery.  
The rock was surrounded by a spiral of wild turkey tracks.

I often have a funny Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy the towel is considered the most important item for the intergalactic traveler.  I would beg to differ and say it is the scarf.  A scarf can be used for many of the same things that a towel is used for but it makes for a more stylish impression.  Also draws less attention than leaving home with a towel...I could blog all day about the benefits of scarves...

Back at the house I have a nice little pad in a stuff sack for this purpose.  
But I always forget to grab it...unlike my scarf.  
My handwoven scarf makes a nice buffer between me and the cold stone.

This could be one of the last snow shoes of the season.  
Time to say good bye to my dear friend Winter.

This was my view from the rock, 
Orion's Belt before it goes beyond the horizon until next winter.  

I sat in silence and gratitude until my scarf seat had lost its effectiveness.  

Time to head home ~~~ restored.

Scarf...don't leave home without it!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Photo from the 1st Blog

Today I am grateful for this blogging experience. It has been just about 5 months since I started.  5 is one of my favorite numbers (there is a story there I will tell you someday~~~3 is my other favorite number and that is because my family is a total of 3 and 3 is the holy trinity...a sacred # for many traditions..including Reiki) But it is YOU..YOU are the reason I am grateful for blogging.  All that I am sharing with YOU is stuff that I think and see.  But because of YOU I write and and photograph.  There is a depth that is created with the sharing.  I don't need to know YOU or hear from YOU.  Just knowing that some folks are taking the time to share in my small joys humbles me and fills me with Gratitude.  So thanks!  Thanks for the contentedness! 

Snow Sparkles~~~YOU give me Sparkles!

Early Morning Walk

It is my intention, each Sunday, to share something that fills me with Gratitude. 
I write ~~~Gratitude~~~ with the wavy lines to represent the gratitude ENERGY~~~~~! 
I hope you will join me and share your gratitude moments. 
~~~Amen, Blessed Be, Namaste'~~~

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sprouting my Wild Oats!

Ok! It is spring...right? Time for some green and growing!  Well, not much is actually green or growing around here right now.  One way I keep a little green in my life during the cold snowy time is with sprouts. I sprout the usual alfalfa and mung beans but, I sprout oats for the Cluster Ducks!  They really love the green treat!  I bet chickens would like them too.  I love to watch them gobble them up!  Here are my sprouting tips...

I use the Bioset Sprouter.  I got my first Bioset over 10 years ago and it is still working fine. The way it works is simple.  Just sprinkle the seeds in the clear containers, stack, and water from the top.  Once the water siphons through you just dump the bottom container.  I use the sprout rinse to water house plants.

Alfalfa are the easiest and delicious.  Mung Beans require a bit more attention but worth it.  You need to add a bit of Citric Acid to the rinse water to prevent mold.  Each rinse needs about an 1/8 teaspoon.  I use the same citric acid powder when canning today's low acid tomatoes.

For the Duckies I sprout regular feed oats. (**these are not for human consumption**)  They are the same oats I use for a cheap easy cover crop in the gardens.  I always have a 50 pound bag around.  Oat Sprouts are fun just to add a bit of green during the spring season.  When my son was young we would have an egg tree in the house...just a branchy branch stuck in a plant pot full of dirt.  Then I would sprinkle oats around the tree and voila instant grass.  Oats sprout quickly!  They would make a great Easter center you don't need ducks to get wild with oats!!!

Oats ready to go to the gals!

Welcome to some of my JOY!

Happy Quackers

Wild thing I did with Oat Sprouts....FiberArt still under construction..... 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring "Snowed" Maine!

First Day of Spring Here!

 Runa Loving It!
 Ducks Making Do...with a puddle...

This may be the last...or ...not.  There have been a number of April snows since I came to live in Maine...a couple on April Fool's Day!  Plenty of grumbling is happening out and about when it comes to this storm.  We have had a lot of snow this year. Folk are tired but, I have to say, I am glad.  My least favorite winters are the dry cold ones.  This one has offered plenty of great snow shoeing, which I love, including today.  My Icelander even broke trail!  Winter is my favorite season so this extra bit is a gift.  I feel like my Duckie here...On my tippy toes and dancing with joy!  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Winter "Marches" on....

Ahhh...another wintry day in Maine.  Tomorrow will be the spring equinox but as you can see it will not BE spring here.  I don't mind.  I have enjoyed the day.  Here are some of my adventures and seeings.

This moment, as I write, the above photo is the view out of my window.  But the storm started slowly so Runa and I had a nice walk earlier.

My friend Raven is allowing more photos!
It may be a bit of gratitude for the cracked corn I am leaving out...for whoever..

When I come back it is all gone.

Tell tale bird dropping...Runa wants a treat too!

The Duckies might be the most winter weary.

Signs of Spring are around...pussy willows!

The Garden Grows

But now I will leave you and pour a glass of wine.  Time to enjoy the last day of winter.
Think of me in my big snow globe...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Magic Moment ~ Magic Memory

Last night when everyone else was in bed (and I should have been) I went outside to look at the sky.  I get email alerts from NASA when possible Auroras may happen.  So I go and look.  I have not seen the Northern Lights in many years.   But I keep looking and hoping.  

My most memorable Aurora Borealis was in 1979, it was my first.  It was a late August night and my guy and I had just hitched a ride.  We were riding in the back of a pick up truck and it was freaking freezing!  We were in the Yukon.  The two women who had given us the ride were escaping to somewhere from something.  The truck contained all their worldly possessions.  We barely fit in the back.  We stopped once to ooh and aah at a giant porcupine.   The stop was fortunate it allowed us to get into our sleeping bags as the ride continued.  Soon after we heard a crackle.  We looked out of our bags and let out a sound that is hard to describe because what we were seeing was beyond words.  The truck stopped and we all got out and danced in the glowing green waves of light.  We tried to keep time with the snap and the crackle.  We all became random.  I think we would have stopped there forever but it was just so cold.  The journey continued as did the lights.  We wanted sleep, we wanted to escape into the dark warmth of out bags.  We could not stop looking...and...listening.  The crackling seemed to flow through our bodies.  It is a sound I will take to my grave.

So last night I was very tired.  I went outside without a jacket, it was cold.  I played with my camera in the dark to "see" what might happen as I turned dials and clicked the shutter.  I pointed at the moon (and I think Saturn...with a speck that was reddish..mars?)  But no matter the labels, the names....the cold, the dark, the fatigue brought me back to that night long ago way out west, way up north. So a magic moment in memory.

Here is some of my play.......