Wednesday, May 28, 2014

☼ Forest & Field Happenings ☼

It has been quite wet around here.  Just barely dry enough to mow this past weekend.  Just grey, gray, and wet.  Too wet for my liking.  The weather forecast has not been too helpful when it comes to getting my laundry dry either...

Well at least everything is getting a good rinse!

Hardening off the peppers and eggplants ~ waiting for a dry-ish day..
(I did make my first very quick dip in the pond on Sunday!)

Only one going into the forest is Runa

Thank Goodness for Duckie-ness or this weather would REALLY be getting me down.

One week and they have doubled in size!

The morning ritual of a little pan of water and chopped greens.
On todays menu chopped tender oat grass.


Vern...well he has had enough of the rain....

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