I missed posting my Sunday Gratitude. Tuesdays Tip toppled into my tasks....
I have no tip this week. My mind is somewhat empty. I seem to have the bottomless list...but there is a light at the end of my tunnel of toiI....& I am Grateful! Had another kick ass weekend. The plan was to tile the shower but those outdoor chores on my list called instead. And a good thing too....first ICE this morning!
This will be my duckies 5th winter! I hope they are ready. I know I am ready for winter and the rest it will create in my life.
List of what was done:
final coat of paint in the bathroom
wired the new lights
wired new pressure switch for well pump
brush cut my trails ~ ready for snowshoeing!
moved school bus shelter to an interesting place..next blog..I hope...with more on this!
pressure switch wasn't working right...spent quality time with DH lying on the cellar floor noting the switch on and off point...turn power on and off to turn a nut just a bit more then running up stairs to check the pressure in the tub then realizing we need to clean the water filter in the water heater..did that...too tired for a bath
6 loads of laundry now that the water is working again....these are moments when you know your marriage is working!
I would like you to meet my favorite power tool that I use...really the only one. I do not care to run the tractors. The lawnmower messes with my shoulder bursitis. The BCS walk behind tractor is too much of a beast for me. BUT the weed whacker and I are real pals! I do about 90% of the weed whacking around here. This machine enables me with my trail obsessions!
Presenting ---> Wilma Weed Whacker
I am the Queen of the Weed Whacker!
My weed whackers crown resides on one of my many "altars". Look closely and you will see homage to my sons dinosaur years, saints, the plans for the big shed, and a lucky charm found during one of the tillings.
....and just another neat sight...shadow frost....
~A Bunch of Randomness~
There is only one thing I am certain of....
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~
Faithful are actions
But never,
are words.
Consciousness, what is that really?
Moments awake and aware?
Being aware we're aware?
What are we when not;
unaware, asleep, semi-conscious....
Are we less or more alive at those
in between moments just before waking?
For in moments dreams drift,
and are we not riding those moments
Fully aware we're dreaming?
writ ten randomly on 5-30-08
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~
Faithful are actions
But never,
are words.
Consciousness, what is that really?
Moments awake and aware?
Being aware we're aware?
What are we when not;
unaware, asleep, semi-conscious....
Are we less or more alive at those
in between moments just before waking?
For in moments dreams drift,
and are we not riding those moments
Fully aware we're dreaming?
writ ten randomly on 5-30-08
Sinnaminsun Sinnaminsun