Hello! I am still here. I have my new computer... I am getting used to it....spending a good deal of time with the tedious task of transferring things from the PC to the MAC. Which creates a great opportunity to consider what I want and what a do not. A perfect task to be doing at the end of another year. I haven't taken the time to get my camera software on this computer so in the meantime here is a blog I began in the fall that I never finished. Another wonderful way to end a year with reflection on the things gone by. (Plus I am getting used to my keyboard and trying out various heights to see if I need DH to make a custom board to get it just right...ergonomically!)
I barely remember this day of digging. All this food is now nicely tucked away in the cold room. Some of it has been eaten. We are already through nearly half the carrots! Guess I should plant more next year. This is the time of year we tend to take stock in all that has passed. A time for goal setting and getting busy again after all the celebrations. I have begun my long list of desires. Hoping not to make my Self crazy with my goals but, to always remember slow and steady fills the pantry. There can Be times for flurry and time for reflection all mixed together.
It has been a nice and quiet holiday here. Just the 3 of us enjoying good healthy food and each others company. I declined most invitations for big parties and listened to my need for quiet. I feel refreshed rather than drained from this festive time of year. I hope to continue to improve my inner "hearing" in the new year!
Well, time to get back to the transfer work, year end bookkeeping, garden notes, seed order, Etsy creating, and all the day to day ~ buzz, buzz, busy-ness! Hope this little blog finds you and yours well. And if I don't get back "here" before the New Year... Wishing you a Very Happy One!