Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sewing Thread Solution ~ Tuesday's Tip!

Spring has sprung with all it's new activities like raking!  Before I go too far down the rabbit hole of spring life I wanted to be sure to share with you a great thread organizing solution I devised this winter!  If you sew you know that thread organizing can be quite a challenge.  I use a lot of different colors with my puppet making.  I tried to keep things organized in these shallow drawers.  Hard as I tried, in the flurry of creating, they would turn into a jumble. Also, I often ended up purchasing duplicate colors because I couldn't find what I needed in the thread chaos!

I had been thinking about some shelving for my sewing room this winter when I came across this baker's rack on Amazon.  I "saw" a solution!  A bunch of wooden thread racks hanging from the back!  I found the thread racks at Joann's.com, on sale (they seem to be out of stock right now).  The bakers rack was easy peasy to put together.  I only needed a rubber mallet and my self...no enlisting DH for help!  The rack is nice and sturdy.  The shelves are adjustable.  Mine came with a bamboo wood butcher block that I like too.

Here is the fun time organizing my threads by color groups!

Super Tidy!

I lowered the utensil bar to hang the lower thread racks with the "S" hooks that came with the unit. I hung the top racks from the upper shelf using some 14 gauge wire.  I love this solution!

Also, purchase this shelf unit at Amazon for all my puppet felt.  My sewing room right now is a bit messier but, I am in a creating mode!  But, now I can spend less time and money finding the right thread color and the felt square that I need!  Do you have any great studio organizing solutions?  I would love to hear about them!

~~~~~~~~~~~My Lively Life~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fiber Art, Weaving, Hand Spun

Hand Made Eco and Upcycled Cutie Buntings, Clothes, & Toys

Vintage Collectibles, Buttons, Clothing & MORE! 

Sea Glass & Copper Wire Ornaments with things I have gathered

My Blog~~Makings, Musings, &  Lifestyle on the Land:  

"Be Joyful because it is humanly possible"~~~Wendell Berry

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