Friday, February 14, 2014

---Shop News--- SNOW!

Last night we were blessed with a good old Nor'Easter.  I was busy working all day on my Etsy work.  This week I am focusing on the InJoyEmporium  Shop.  I focus on one shop a week, this helps me to be more productive and not too scattered.  Tuesdays & Thursdays I try to put in 12 to 15 hour days.  I actually do my best work in long sessions.  But since there was the storm I knocked off early...8:00 PM and took time to just enjoy the storm!  Runa & I sat in bed and just looked out the window. We were entertained by the feeling of being in a big gigantic snow globe!

Ok! Back to work!  That is what I say aloud whenever I get distracted by non-Etsy work on my Etsy work days...the trials of working from home!  But here are a few of the Emporium tasks I was able to get to this week.....

Emporium weeks I make sure to have time to weave.  I have made some nice progress at the Baby Wolf weaving this undulating twill table runner.  It always feels good to weave!

Finally, getting a big batch of Peace Flags done for the shop.  I had a bunch and they sold out!  This is one of my little ways of giving.  I donate $5.00 to The Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights for each Peace Flag sold.  Coming Soon!

And, of course, my weekly treasury!  Could not help but to celebrate winter and my MaineTeam!

....and Oh Yeah....Valentine's Day...Happy Happiness!     Maine Snow Love

And Finally...some cute cat Verns spends a snowy day...

 Thought I could keep this couch tidy after the boyo went to college...
it has become Vern's sofa now!

Think Vern is sticking his tongue out at winter?

He did manage to switch directions~!

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