Friday, July 26, 2013

---Shop News---

 Well, my life has been mostly in my gardens these days.  So when I managed to get on my computer yesterday I made a treasury celebrating the garden!  All  items come from members of the Maine Team on Etsy ~ handmade in my wonderful home state of MAINE!

I do have my new stand-up computer station ready to rock-n-roll and it is doing my wrists wonders!  But I forgot to anticipate how tired I get after gardening all is hard to list items while I am asleep on my feet.  So not working as late as I once was...which is a good thing...more needed sleep.  The stand up computer desk has not only been good for my body but my mind as well.  I am spending less time goofing around on the computer (I do have an some goofing going on with it...but less overall)  I always want to get more done in a day than I do but, I am at peace with how thing end up flowing.

I am very happy in the gardens this year which maybe the results of last summers sabbatical.  I am enjoying the quiet and solitude I experience here.  I feel very in balance this year with the growing and goings.  Even the Japanese Beetles are not getting me down.  Enjoying the little pleasures of small garden wonders.  It is good to be alive with the growth of summer not to mention yummy too!

cute little cuke
"pond view garden" tomatoes trying to ripen

what I call the "big" garden
"south garden" full of garlic and potatoes! (duckingham palace & asparagus)

Before you know the winter winds will be blowing and there will be time for renewed focus on creating arts and crafts.  In the meantime I am going to relish this summer time to it's fullest.  

I do get some sit down time when beans need to be snapped!  
Life is Good ~~~ Wishing the same for you! <3

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