Saturday, January 26, 2013


 A Month of Gratitude!

Feeling pretty grateful today.  I had a tough time choosing what to gratitude about.  This has been an amazing month, especially for January.  The day started with a nice breakfast cookstove style.  I had my first good walk in days seeing that the temperature rose to a whooping 10 degrees!  I even warmed enough to take my gloves off for part of the walk. Maine has had incredible temperature fluctuations this month.  It has been a roller coaster of warm to frigid with more warm on the horizon then more cold to follow.  Along with record breaking temps I have broken my own record for seeing Reiki Clients for any January since I started my practice in 2006! (thanks to my wonderful clients!)  Also, happy to say I have had the most Etsy sales this month of any month since opening a year ago!  (thanks to Etsy & the world wide web)  I started the month completely behind with my bookkeeping (thought January would be slow and I would have nothing better to do).  But, Friday I finished my bookkeeping and did our taxes!  I play a little game.....I don't "allow" myself to do my seed order until I get our taxes done.  So now it is the seed catalog reward!  

I just want to send out a thank-you to all who have been a part of this wonderful month!
It is my intention, each Sunday, to share something that fills me with Gratitude. 
I write ~~~Gratitude~~~ with the wavy lines to represent the gratitude ENERGY~~~~~! 
I hope you will join me and share your gratitude moments. 
~~~Amen, Blessed Be, Namaste'~~~

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